Wesley Evans
Product Manager - Research

import ProfileHeader from '@site/src/components/ProfileHeader';

Wesley is the product manager for the Research Team at Cloudflare. Wesley leads the process of integrating product, engineering, and design with research to drive research innovations into our products. His primary focus areas include the distributed web, security and privacy, and emerging network paradigms. Before Cloudflare, he led product at Atrium and Snap Inc.

When he is not working on the future of the Internet, Wesley is deeply passionate about building community and building large-scale art in hostile environments.

Research Areas

Distributed Web, Privacy, Security, Emerging Network Paradigms


  • Ethereum Gateway
  • IPFS Gateway
  • Time Services
  • Addressing Agility (public in August)
  • Oblivious DNS over HTTPS
  • Cryptographic Attestation of Personhood
  • Encrypted Client Hello
  • Project Pangea
  • Prio